Alarm Monitoring

A burglar alarm without alarm monitoring is just noise – a noise that is often ignored… will anyone attend ??

Some burglars clearly don’t think so !!


TRITON SECURITY monitors alarms throughout New Zealand from our high security Central Alarm Monitoring station. We have invested heavily in back up systems for power and telecommunications to ensure continued service in any event.

Triton Security Can Provide:

Alarm Monitoring

Residential Security

Burglar Alarms / Fire – Smoke Alarms / Panic – Duress alarms / Medical Alarms – Security Alarm Monitoring.

Commercial Security

Burglar Alarms / Fire – Smoke Alarms / Panic – Duress alarms / Un-Authorised After-Hours Access – Security Alarm Monitoring.

Industrial Security

Burglar Alarms / Fire – Smoke Alarms / Un-Authorised After-Hours Access / Plant & Equipment – Security Alarm Monitoring.

Security Alarm Monitoring

TRITON provide a 24 hour manned security alarm monitoring station from our secure first floor facility. Our advanced systems interpret digital data as transmitted to us from your alarm system and relay this to our security staff for individual assessment.


We work to your individual instructions for each event. This could be to call you at home, work, via cellphone or for us to despatch our security patrol operation. For verified burglary multiple activations we automatically inform the Christchurch Police & request their surveillance.


For security patrol operations, we have patrols positioned to be able to provide rapid alarm response services. A further patrolman assigned to a neighbouring area will provide an immediate back-up should there be any unforeseeable delays. Should a violation to the integrity of the property be ascertained, a security officer will remain on site until this is re-secured. We can co-ordinate locksmith’s, glaziers and other services on your behalf.

Please contact us for free a security evaluation and quotation.

Specialised Services


With a GPRS wireless transmitter fitted, security can be enhanced through being completely independent of any phone or internet network within the home or business.

By simply using the App, you can securely command your alarm system on / off and view history activity history.

Furthermore, by accessing your data via a portal via our website, you can
view the current or historical activity of your alarm system(s).

phone app

Communication Options of the Future

Technology is changing and the new ultra-fast broadband telephone lines have many benefits. However, they also have their drawbacks.

Most intruder alarm systems require copper lines to dial up & communicate with the alarm monitoring centre; they simply will not work 100% with VOIP / fibre optic telephone lines.

We have a number of options to allow your alarm to still communicate with us:

I.P. Converter

This is a small device that connects between your alarm panel and your home router (or modem).

Wireless Transmitter

This is a small unit that connects to us via a cellular connection and is completely removed from your home phone or internet network.

Security Button


securityCall 03 366 6666

We will discuss with you the best solution that fits your needs, and the simple process of having your monitoring connected to TRITON.